Friday, February 22, 2008

blah blah blah blah blah blah

for big reasons and little reasons, i can not sleep. there is too much music, too many amazing people and too much art for me to ever rest again. oh and food. amongst other things. i would highly suggest that everyone who is not either boning right this second or halfway through pizza from the pi must see this movie right away!! it is one of the most beautiful films i have ever seen.

also, my puppy has gut rot gas of death. i think i threw up in my mouth a little.

STORY: so i pulled over today to take pictures of a freshly smashed deer in the road. all four legs were bent in the wrong direction, and it's big pink tongue was lolling out the smashed mouth. can you even imagine the incredibleness of the photos? well. you will just have to do exactly that because a cop pulled over and yelled at me declaring that i was truly disgusting! and would not let me take any photos. he didn't want to hear my pleas that i am an artist who probably wants to paint it, and really likes roadkill, and i promise i wasn't touching it! what a butt plug. so i hope you enjoyed my story minus the awesome visuals. well no, here. let us not totally disappoint! this is the last deer i found. not as fresh, but equally as amazing.

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